Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Using Social Media to Find a Job

7 Secrets to Get a Job Using Social Media

Since many of us are looking for the next career move, I decided to share this little guide with you, on how to use social media to land the next job. After my graduation next Fall, I plan on trying this approach for my job search. Please share any experiences that you might have had with social networking for employment.

I think that by using social media you build your own brand and the recruitment process is more personal, since you are now connecting with people, not just companies. In order to be successful in today’s environment, when a good percentage of the market is hidden, one has to use a mix of traditional and non-traditional ways of uncovering job leads.


  1. This appears to be the new way of finding a job in the shortest amount of time. According to CareerCurve, of all the traditional ways of looking for an employment opportunity (traditional networking, recruiters, published advertisements, targeted marketing, and self-employment) Internet/social media currently ranks second. In an article titled “Job seekers raise profiles with social media” which can be read via this link: it was stated that social media networking is becoming a significant part of the job search. People are using twitter, facebook, and linkedin to broadcast that they are seeking a job. It is working because many people are showing how intelligent they are via their blogs and tweets and this is being noticed by employers. However, there is one important consideration you must not integrate your true online social profile with your employment seeking profile. In an article titled “How social media can hurt your career” which can be read via this link: it stated that you must be aware that what you write about on facebook can be read by your current employer or potential future employer. If you speak casually about them they may not see this as favorable. Conversely, if you say great things, you may very well be on your way to your next job offer or promotion.

  2. Andrew, that's a pretty unsettling feeling, not being able to be yourself on Facebook. Of all social networking sites, I think Facebook is the least powerful when it comes to job search. LinkedIn, Twitter and others are more suitable for that purpose. I wish people respected that. we all like to goof around every now and then.

  3. You're right it is very unsettling, but also very true. From personal experience, as someone who interviews and hires, I can tell you that Facebook is starting to play a big role in the employment process. I've admittedly passed up on a few candidates simply because of the impression I got from browsing through their Facebook profiles.

    I don't say that it’s right, but the fact is that if you put your information out there for the world to see; people and even potential employers will find it. That’s why Privacy settings are the new hot topic when it comes to social networks. Though security settings exist, many users feel that they’re too complicated to figure out; so they leave their sites open to anyone willing to see. What I'm trying to say is that, as unsettling as it might be, the user can ultimately control their privacy by setting security to a level that they’re comfortable with. Alternatively, users can simply keep their offline lives separate from their online lives by using e-mail accounts or names that would not be easily found. That way they can goof off as much as they want. :)

  4. I agree with Sandra. When it comes to facebook you need to be careful what you post. I know people who have lost their jobs or never got the interview, because of inappropriate posts(e.g."I wish my boss would go to hell!") and pictures on facebook.
    I think that one of the best ways to find a job is through networking. There are many ways to use social media in order to network. I think that the best sites for that are LinkedIn and Twitter.
    Happy job hunting!!!
